Blake N Jon

Here are some videos we're crazy about   

Jessica's "Daily Affirmation": "I like my hair!..."
Rob and the Parapegelic Pasta: " we amputated your legs." "Wha" "Yeah, they're gone..."

Numa Numa Yoda #09: awesome (not a line just what this video is)

French Taunting- Monty Python and the Holy Grail: "What a strange person."

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Monty Python and the Holy Grail- Three Questions: "What is your name?" "Sir Launcalot of Camalot" "What is your quest?"...

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Monty Python- Holy Hand Grenade: ..."then they feasted on the yams, and the pork..."

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StarWars: Wrath of the Mandalorian: Very awesome video and good storyline

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Lego StarWars: Emperor's Order: ..."This isn't diet!"...

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King's Peak: "Ok let's put on your pack." "Oh no it's to heavy..."

Mattress Feuds: "In a recent study, we compared the effect of an old mantress to the new Intelli-Gel..."

Indiana Scones and the Quest for the Platinum Waffle: "... ha you're bald!"

BOX: The Epic Motion Picture: "His waffles may be great, but-" "What?" "Uhh, his waffles..."

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MAD tv- Bon Qui Qui at King Burger: "... and I gotta put the cookies all up in it..."
The Mom Song with lyrics: Every kid has heard this song at least once in his life
Decieved: A new game for any StarWars lovers. It's called SWTOR. If you like what you see, go to


None of these videos are ours! Also, we are not taking credit for making any of the videos that on here! We are also sorry for the unalignment of the videos or any other problems that may occur. Have an awesome time on Blake N Jon!