Blake N Jon

Mental Stipidity Test

Caution!!! Blake N Jon is not resposible for any of the following: excessive laughing, the sudden urge to pick your toenails, excessive talking, muscle spasms in your arms, legs, and buttock, the sudden urge to move to Canada, change your name to Bubminchska and do the funky chicken, and explosive and excessive diarrea.

#1) A cowboy rides into town and instead of using gun, he uses pickles. What does this mean?

              a. he likes pickles
              b. he likes to eat guava
              c. you feel you need to beat him with a squash, the only enemy of the pickle (it is well documented!)
              d.all of the above

Please not that this is just a sample test. We are coming up with more. Please post your answers on the blogs. Have Fun!