Blake N Jon

Romans: Great Empire or Lazy Bums

             The other day I was in my Art and Music appriciation class at school and we were learning about the Romans. Well, guess what the Romans thought up themselves about buildings and stuff, absolutely nothing!They would just take a look at a culture and say "Hey, that's a good idea, let's take it from them.". For instance, has anyone heard of the Parthenon? Well the Romans ripped it off and made a building called the Pantheon! Aggravating right!? And then they took all the countries gods in from Asia and Europe and put statues of them in this "Pantheon", and worshiped them because they didn't know which one was real! What a rip off! Incase you weren't actually reading this article and was just daydreaming about bunny rabbits, here's a recap, the Romans were lazy copy cats, and would rip off other countries. Got it? Hope so!You know, there was a reason the Roman Empire fell apart and was destroyed, because they were to lazy to get of their butts and defend themselves. I don't think they were fit to be called Romans, unless they stole that too.